New! The helping bird rate combines the benefits of helping hands and early bird: if you agree to take on one of the above tasks, you can register early for the Midsummerhop Münster and get a ticket. As an additional goodie, you only pay the reduced early bird price.

Bar and counter: You take on 2 shifts in the set-up, check-in, counter or flea market area. You might miss the taster.
When? 2 hours on friday between 5 and 9 pm

Bar and counter: You take over 2 shifts in the area of check-in, bar, flea market or dismantling. You might miss 1 band set. Well, "miss" is not quite right. You can hear the music, but you're not on the dance floor.
When? 2 hours on friday between 9 pm and 2 am

Bar and counter: You take on 2 shifts in the set-up, check-in, counter or flea market area. You might miss the taster.
When? 2 hours on saturday between 5 and 9 pm

Bar and counter: You take over 2 shifts in the area of check-in, bar, flea market or dismantling. You might miss 1 band set. Well, "miss" is not quite right. You can hear teh music, but you're not on the dance floor.
When? 2 hours on saturday between 9 pm and 2 am

Brunch fairy/elf: You help with the set-up from 10-12:00 am + 1 additional hour, during which you check whether something is missing from the buffet and needs to be replenished, and you take care of the dishes and coffee. The brunch team always has a lot of fun in the kitchen and there is also music to bounce to.
When? 3 hours on Sunday between 10 am and 2 pm

Brunch fairy/elf: You help for 1 hour at the brunch, where you check if something is missing from the buffet and needs to be added, and you take care of the dishes and the coffee. The brunch team always has a lot of fun in the kitchen and there is music to bounce to. From about 16-18:00 pm you help us with the dismantling of the brunch and with the kitchen and hall clean-up.
When? 3 hours on Sunday between 2 pm and 6 pm

You have a car, know your way around the city and you are flexible in terms of time. For the Midsummerhop Münster, you will transport flowers, treats and equipment within Münster to and between the venues on all days of the exchange. We will of course reimburse you for the petrol costs.
When? maximum 6 hours during the weekend, mainly between programm items

The kitchen is for dancing! If you are a real foodie, you can join us for this new programme item. Together with about 5 participants, you will prepare delicacies in your swinging kitchen for our fabulous sunday brunch. Logistically, you will be supported by the Midsummerhop Münster team, because we know how much of which dish is needed. We will order the corresponding ingredients fresh from the organic wholesaler. You pick them up from us and transform them on saturday afternoon with your swinging guests in your kitchen and shine with the result on Sunday at the big brunch.
When? Saturday 3 till 6 pm plus some prep time

Swinging through Münster: equipped with a smartphone and boom box, you accompany one of our exciting cultural city-trips. You identify the best spots to dance and take a swinging break or two. You coordinate the route with a culture guide. We will put you in contact beforehand.
When? Saturday 11 am till 1 pm

You are our joker! You step in when someone is missing or absent at short notice. You react flexibly and are available for us. Of course, we try to plan everything well and generously in advance. But if someone is absent or if something unforeseen comes up, we rely on you.
When? maximum 6 hours during the weekend

Münsters Swing Exchange
Der Verein Be lindy! e.V. wurde 2018 gegründet, um die Organisation des ersten Swing Exchange in Münster auf sichere Füße zu stellen. Im Juni 2019 durften wir ein wundervolles Wochenende mit tanzbegeisterten Gästen aus nah und fern verbringen – die ultimative Midsummerhop Münster-Premiere!